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From the beginning in 2014, the purpose of the Netherlands Research Integrity Network has been to raise awareness, to provide relevant information, and to be a platform for discussion of issues of research integrity (RI) and responsible conduct of research (RCR). NRIN focusses on the whole range of RI and RCR that runs from cases of research misconduct (RM) to questionable research practices (QRP). As a network, we are interested in both prevention, detection and solving issues of RM and QRP.

The network organizes multiple open symposia and closed meetings every year, with the goal to bring together a group of stakeholders interested in RI and RCR. The symposia regularly depart from an educational or research related perspective, focussing on explanatory factors or prevention on the level of the individual researcher, the local research culture and in the system of science as a whole. Closed meeting on the other hand, are solely for confidential counsellors, members of committees treating allegations, and RCR policy advisors. These meetings may also include confidential discussions of anonymized individual cases.

In addition to the events and meetings, the network’s website functions as a portal that contains relevant information, tools and contact information, which we update frequently. Meanwhile, we try to keep our network informed with our Newsletters and through Twitter (@NRIN_Integrity).

Although NRIN is a national initiative, both the topics as well as the members of the network are partly international. The website and most meetings are in English and also attract participants from abroad. The international flavour of NRIN is also visible in our affiliations to the European Network of Research Integrity Offices (ENRIO), the REduce research WAste and Reward Diligence (REWARD) Alliance, and the World Conferences on Research Integrity Foundation.

You can find our annual report 2020 and annual plan 2021 here.